Saturday 10 June 2006

Cabaran kepada ibu bapa yang lalai mendidik anak-anaknya yang memang sedia Islam tetapi dibesarkan mengikut acuan yang asing. Youngest Muslim Reverts in The World. Children in England Turn To Islam. Some of the World's youngestMuslim reverts. Two sisters, aged 9 and 12 show akeen interest in Islam. It all started when they went to the Local Mosque after hearing the melodious Adthaan (call to prayer). Soon after they decided to go to classes at the mosque after school, and have bought and studied many books on Islam, and have even managed to learn and read the Quran in the Arabic language. Unlike other children, the girls spend their evenings reading books and memorising Quran as well as praying in their rooms. All of which is very new and strange to their mother.

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